IKTT(クメール伝統織物研究所)代表代行 岩本みどり
IKTT Japan有志代表 西川 潤
訃 報
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July 3, 2017
Midori Iwamoto, Deputy Representative, IKTT (Institute of Khmer Traditional Textiles)
Jun Nishikawa, Representative, Friends of IKTT Japan
Mr. Kikuo Morimoto
It is with great sadness and sorrow that we inform you that Kikuo Morimoto, the founder and representative of IKTT (Institute of Khmer Traditional Textiles) passed away in the morning hours of July 3, 2017, after prolonged illness. He was 68 years old.
A private funeral will be held with close family members in accordance with the will of Mr. Morimoto and his family. Mr. Morimoto has asked that there be no condolence payments in the Japanese tradition.